
January 1, 2007

Association Info: South Village at Victor Gardens Condominium Association

Updated June 2023

South Village at Victor Gardens Condominium Association is a sub-association of the Victor Gardens Community Association (the Master Association) and consists of townhomes along Everton Avenue and Victor Path on the Eastern edge of Victor Gardens. All of the townhomes within the South Village Association were built by David Bernard/Rottlund Homes. The Association transitioned to homeowner control in September 2010. 

Management Company / Community Manager
  • Nicole Miller
    Community Manager
    Associa Minnesota
    7100 Northland Circle N., Suite 300
    Brooklyn Park, MN 55428

    763.225.6400 – Main
    763.746.1188 – Customer Service 

Architectural Changes
Homeowners are reminded that improvement projects such as storm doors, satellite dish installations, and other modifications must be approved in writing. Before any work begins, the Victor Gardens Community Association's Architectural Review Committee (also known as the ARC) must review and approve your proposed project.  

The ARC meets monthly to review applications and recently adopted a streamlined Storm Door Quick Reference Guide and Application Form for condo owners interested in installing storm/screen doors.  Ensure your forms are fully completed and signed, along with any helpful written descriptions, photos, product information, etc. Experienced, insured professionals/installers/contractors must be specified on your applications.

Applications/submissions should be sent to our Master-Association's Community Manager, She can help homeowners with questions and help navigate the ARC approval process.

The Master ARC reviews the details of each application carefully. Sometimes the Master ARC will look to the sub-association's Board for guidance. Please keep in mind that according to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions the Master ARC, not the South Village at Victor Gardens Condominium Association, has the authority to approve or reject an application.

Application Forms - Existing Condominium Homes: