
January 1, 2007

Association Info: Victor Gardens Contact Page

Management Company
Associa Minnesota (Master Association)
Community Manager
Colleen Brown, CMCA

Board of Directors (Master Association)
Karen Ray, represents the Villas sub-association.
Daniel Wessels, represents the Gables at Victor Gardens sub-association
Dick Tein, represents Creek Side Villas at Victor Gardens sub-association.
Josh Berger, represents the Single Family Village sub-association.
Mark Vlker, represents the Single Family Village sub-association.

Jaimeson Wennerstrum, represents the Single Family sub-association.
(position not filled), represents the North Village Villas sub-association.

Shannon Costello, represents the North Village sub-association.
Jeff Aufderhar, represents the South Village sub-association.

Social Events Committee
Co-Chair, Lisa Houchins (651-646-2658)
Co-Chair, Kelly Farrell (651.238.6660)

Master Architectural Review Committee
Mark Viker, Chair
Contact: Colleen Brown, CMCA

Single Family Village Architectural Advisory Committee
Josh Berger, Chair

Mark Viker, Chair
Contact: Colleen Brown, CMCA