
May 30, 2007

City meeting set for Tuesday, June 5.

Two new items were recently pointed out in Arbre Park.  They have been added to the other questions we will discuss at an upcoming meeting with Chris Petree, the City of Hugo’s Public Works Director.  The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 5.

There are a number of questions and suggestions that fall under the control of the City.  I will share the list I have with Mr. Petree:

Val Jean Park:

  1. 1.Consider adding a device to prevent wide opening of the tennis court’s doorway to physically prevent bicycles from entering.

  2. 2.Consider adding signs to tennis court prohibiting bikes, skates & scooters, which damage the court’s surface.  

  3. 3.Consider adding “dogs prohibited” signs in the tennis court as dog waste has been found inside the fence and on the court itself.

  4. 4.Repair drinking fountain in Val Jean Park. Gina Higgins said last weekThe City needs to come out and turn the water source on as it is 6 feet underground per the vendor that was out to repair.  I will contact the City to confirm this”

  5. 5. Coordinate the sprinkler watering of the park with CPDC.

  6. 6. Fix latch on tennis court door.

Arbre Park:

  1. 7.Raking mulch needed near bleachers and playground equipment in Arbre Park.

  2. 8.Repair edging near the playground in Arbre Park.

  3. 9.Consider adding drinking fountain to City-owned Arbre Park: CPDC has completed its plans for this Arbre and Val Jean Parks.

  4. 10.Repair railing on playground equipment and consider adding step to playground equipment.  Chris Petree, City of Hugo is aware of the situation and wrote yesterday, “I met with the playground equipment rep. today…he will repair/tighten/etc. all equipment on the play structures today.  He will also supply me with options/prices for the stair area that was of concern….we’ll figure something out shortly.”

  5. 11. A large Cottonwood tree in Arbre Park needs attention.  It may need to be trimmed or removed to prevent a dangerous situation.

  6. 12. Coordinate the sprinkler watering of the park with CPDC.


  1. 13.Repair leaning stop sign at Garden Way and Arbre near Arbre Park.

  2. 14.Consider adding “Children at Play” signs.

  3. 15.Consider adding “Teeter-totter” graphic sign in close proximity to playgrounds.

  4. 16.Consider adding “Speed Limit” signs on key roadways, especially on Garden Way & Victor Hugo Blvd.  

  5. 17.Additional asphalt onto V.G. streets:  Determine schedule with City on the final layer of blacktop on some of our streets.

  6. 18.Are there any city-related issues which prevent CPDC's completion of the "Welcome to Hugo" monument?