
May 31, 2007

New Features Introduced to

I have added a few new features to our website:

  1. A search window

  2. Expanded contact info

  3. An RSS subscription button

Search Smarter

This site has always had an archive of all the news items since March 2007.  I have now added a powerful tool to search through the growing list of postings - a search window.  Enter the keyword or keywords of the topic you’re interested in.  The results will be displayed and sorted by relevance.  This is especially helpful if you’re researching a question that may have been addressed in a previous post.

More Contacts

I’ve added more people to the contact list and a few more phone numbers.  I still prefer to be contacted via email.  It allows me an easier way to follow up.

RSS Feed Subscription

For tech savvy neighbors I’ve added an RSS subscription link.  I don’t really use RSS, but some might find it useful.  To find out more about RSS, you can read this NY Times article or a more technical Wikipedia article.