
May 4, 2007

PUD Amendment Public Hearing - May 10, 2007

A message from the City of Hugo Planning Commission was forwarded from Dave Hempel, CPDC.  It concerns another proposed bank and new Blue Heron Grill Restaurant.

Portions of it are excerpted below:

April 24, 2007

To Whom It May Concern:

The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, May 10, 2007 at Hugo City Hall to consider the request from United Properties... for a PUD Amendment and Preliminary Plat for 3 lots on 10.52 acres to be known as Victor Gardens North Village 4th Addition.  The plat would include the existing site of Festival Foods, and a future bank and Blue Heron Grill Restaurant.  

The property is located at the northeast corner of CSAH 8 [Frenchman Road] and Victor Hugo Blvd. ... 

Anyone wishing to comment can be heard at this time.


Michele Lindau, Secretary

Planning Commission