
June 12, 2007

Follow-Up : CPDC’s list of Questions

Residents of Victor Gardens asked the following list of questions.  In the past there has been some confusion and/or miscommunication regarding some of the items. 
Shelly Tompkins, Vice President/Broker of CPDC, has the authority to answer the questions and has taken responsibility to follow through on CPDC’s responses.  In consultation with employees of CPDC, Mrs. Tompkins clarified the developer’s position and answered questions at a June 1 meeting with neighborhood representatives.
CPDC follow-up list as of May 23, 2007: Based upon meeting notes and some follow-up clarification with Mrs. Tompkins, Mark's impressions of CPDC's responses are in blue.
1.)  Unsold lot appearance – tall grass & weeds The unsold lots were never intended to be mowed on a frequent schedule like public parks or common areas.  Until the lots are sold and developed, CPDC commits to limit the growth to an approximate knee high level, and will first mow the week of June 11th and as needed the remainder of the season.
2.)  Signs: Remove or change remaining incorrect signs with references to the “Land Office”  The incorrect signs will be corrected and/or repainted within the week of June 11th.
3.)  Signs: Replace missing lot identification signs At this time, the developer’s marketing budget does not allow for replacing missing signs.
4.)  Existing fenced garden: Finish off the fencing in the garden to a logical stopping point.   CPDC has donated the land that contains the “garden” to Victor Gardens Community Association (the master association).  The garden is now a “common area”.  CPDC will also donate some of the remaining metal fencing to the VG Community Association.  Since CPDC no longer owns the “garden”, it will be the responsibility of the VG Community Association to use the donated fencing as it wishes in the garden, and make changes to the fence at its expense.  Irrigation, or other improvements to the new common area will also be the responsibility of the VG Community Association. CPDC will assist by recommending ways to connect electrical power and a permanent water supply to the garden. The HOA received a quote from Early Bird to extend irrigation to the garden and it was about $1500. The HOA will have to determine if this price is acceptable or if there are alternative options.  Please see attached site plan to view the boundaries of the garden. Click here for site plan download
5.)  Garden expansion: Receive permission to temporarily expand garden to the East of existing garden.
The garden will not be expanded.  The area to the west and outside of the garden will remain clear until it is redeveloped in the future. It was reseeded June 1st.
6.)  Save fencing & monuments: Preserve & store wrought-iron style fencing and decorative monuments (land office & main entrance). The metal fencing and small wooden monuments from main entrance will be left in the garden location and donated to the VG Community Association.  If the Community Association sees no useful purpose of the additional fencing, CPDC will remove them from the site.  Everyone must be aware that future development will impact improvements to the garden by bringing utilities to the townhome lots.  This can not be prevented and CPDC will be responsible for final grade on all impacted locations but not replacement.
7.)  Remove silt fence & barbed wire fencing: Remove fencing, mostly near walking trails and roadways need to be removed.    Barbed wire fencing will be removed in selected locations, especially along nearby trails.  Not all fencing will be removed.  Dave Hempel &/or the City will determine which areas can have silt fence removal.
8.)  Remove debris: Remove barrels from the Northern side of the lake, East of the Community Center.   Due to the nature of the debris, it must be removed and disposed of on a specific schedule.  It will be completed the week of June 11th.
9.) Displaced trees near main entrance: Ask new property owners to save & move shrubs and trees near main entrance to new locations if possible. CPDC does not own the retail areas.  CPDC has contacted the owners of the retail properties, and has requested that remaining trees be saved and replanted elsewhere.
10.)  “Welcome to Hugo” monument sign: Complete electrical and landscaping work around the monument sign.  CPDC has an agreement with the City of Hugo regarding all improvements to the monument sign.  Until the lights are delivered and Xcel provides electrical service, the light wires will be taped to the top surface so they are not obviously complete.
11.)  Trusses left by Nottinghome Builders: Please speak to Nottinghome Builders and/or the truss company to remove these items. Nottinghome Builders has called the truss company and asked to remove the trusses.  Nottinghome Builders must be contacted if the remaining materials are not removed by mid July to make a second removal request from the truss company.
12.) website: Is there any timeline for updating the website?   The marketing budget allows for the updating of the website.  Changes will be made, and the updated site will be posted by mid July.
13. Intranet: Is there any timeline for updating the Victor Gardens Community Intranet?   
CPDC voluntarily turned over control of the Community Intranet site to VG Community Association.  Neighborhood input is sought to determine the future of this site. Based upon that input, it may be determined that the site should be updated, changed, or discontinued.
ALSO:  The fountain at VG’s main entrance has been disconnected because of nearby retail construction.  The fountain may be reconnected at a future time after retail construction is complete.  As a temporary measure, the fountain will be capped with plastic and topped with mulch to clean up its appearance, and provide an easy clean-out process in the future. The area in front of the main entrance fountain will be renovated.  The existing pile of paving stones will be re-used as edging stones around a new planting bed in the median. Any remaining pavers will be given to the VG Community Association for re-use in the garden. Since there is no water supply currently connected to the median area (because of nearby construction) the new bed will be planted with hardy – and drought resistant flowering plants.  Renovations will be completed by the week of June 11th.
ALSO:  CPDC has committed to freshen the wood mulch by raking under the Arbre Park's bleachers and tot lot area.  The mulch improvements will be by the City in 2008.