
June 21, 2007

USA Karate to Open in August

Thanks to Phil Stein for forwarding info about one of Victor Gardens future retail businesses:

“...We will be opening our Hugo location sometime in August 2007.  We offer a free 15 minute introductory class to all new students (by appointment only).  This introductory class allows you to try out some karate moves, see our school, and meet some of our instructors.  If you enjoy your free introductory class, we have another trial opportunity called our one month special.  The one month special is $29.95, includes a karate uniform, and allows you to attend class twice a week for four weeks.  If you would like us to contact you to schedule a free introductory class closer to opening, please contact us.  Also, if you would like more information please call us at (651) 998-0960. Thank You, Lisa Pruden Director of Operations USA Karate Office: (651) 998-0960 Cell:     (651) 248-1502 Fax;     (651) 998-0961 Email:<> Website: <>”