
August 25, 2007

Damage to Tennis Court Net Posts

Early in the Summer, damage was reported to the Val Jean Park Tennis Court’s net anchoring posts and court surface.  It is unclear exactly how the damaged was caused.  It’s likely that the net was over-tightened or that someone put the weight of their own body onto the net.  

Whether the damage was caused by accident or vandalism - the result is that the two net anchoring posts have shifted.  Cracking and sinking in the court’s surface has also resulted.  Dave Hempel, of CPDC has been in contact with the post’s installer, and has been told that the damage is not covered by a warranty.  

Since the Tennis Courts are now considered City of Hugo property they have also been informed of the problem.  Mr. Hempel and Chris Petree, Hugo’s Director of Public Works, have been working together to find a solution and repair to the damage.