
September 14, 2007

Board Meeting - Important News Update

The Victor Gardens Community Association's Board of Directors met today.  The meeting was attended by CPDC's Homer Tompkins, Shelly Tompkins, and Dave Hempel, Community Development, Inc.'s Chuck Schneider, and Gina Higgins, Neighborhood Liaisons Mark Vlker and Charles Kirk.  Len Pratt, a board member, did not attend the meeting.

The meeting was dominated by the discussion of the Community Association's budget and the absence of "developer's (financial) contributions".  Mr. Tompkins also conveyed sobering information that CPDC is in default of their Victor Gardens East loans.  This news was met by an interest of all in attendance to work together to find ways to keep homeowners informed, find alternate sources to supplement the shortfall of developers contributions, work with the banks, and maintain the neighborhood.  

In light of this new information,  CPDC's President and Board Member, Homer Tompkins will communicate to homeowners more details of CPDC's financial situation, how it relates to our VG Community Association, and how CPDC, the Association's Board, and homeowners can work together to address our neighborhood's challenges.   

CPDC and the Board of Directors welcomes the offer to work with the group of volunteers, now called the "Board Advisory Group ", who emerged from the July Neighbor's Meeting held at City Hall.  

A future Neighborhood Meeting may also be called by the Board and CPDC to answer homeowner questions, and discuss the issues.