
September 24, 2007

Victor Gardens Bowl Returns Sunday, Sept. 30

It’s that time of year again…


The leaves are turning colors.  The temperatures are turning brisk (in theory).  And the Vikings are already playing themselves out of the playoffs.  Which can only mean one thing…it’s time for the annual Victor Gardens Bowl.


For those new to the ‘hood, every Fall on the Sunday of the Packers/Vikings showdown, we gather for a friendly, neighborhood touch football game.  It’s co-ed, but adults only (although all are welcome to cheer on the gridiron warriors.)  We had a handful of potential gamebreakers out of the lineup last year due to doctor’s orders (some medical mumbo-jumbo about jarring hits being dangerous in the third trimester) so we’re looking forward to a big turnout this year.


So stretch out those hammies, fill up the water bottle, and start talking some smack. We’ll see you at Arbre Park (by the basketball court) at 10 am this Sunday (Sept 30).