
October 7, 2007

Dogs & Leashes - Public Hearing Wed. Oct. 10

Parks Commission to hold Public Hearing , Wednesday, October 10:

Hugo’s City Council is considering changes to Hugo parks leash laws in certain city parks, presumably including Arbre and Val Jean Parks.  The Council has asked for Parks Commission recommendations.  Residents are encouraged to voice their opinions at the Parks Commission meeting, and upcoming City council meetings.  

This article from Hugo’s newspaper, written by Aaron Rupar:

“At its September 17 meeting, the Hugo City Council agreed to send a proposed amendment to the city's dog ordinance back to the Parks and Recreation Commission for further review, with the matter to come back before the council on October 15.

The proposed amendment would require dogs on certain city parks to be either leashed or under the voice control of their owner, and would prohibit dogs from running free.

However, during a public hearing at the meeting, some residents said that they felt the city should allow dogs to run free in parks as long as nobody else is around.

All of the council members seemed to agree that the ordinance should be more flexible than the proposed amendment, and so they moved to send the issue back to the Parks Commission for further revision.

Since the public hearing wasn't closed, residents will be given another opportunity to react to possible amendments to the dog ordinance at the Oct. 15 council meeting.

Council Member Mike Granger wasn't in attendance at the Sept. 17 meeting.”