
December 16, 2007

Victor Gardens East-Update from Homer Tompkins

Things are moving quickly - I’ve received another update from from CPDC’s President, and Victor Gardens Community Association Director, Homer Tompkins regarding the Victor Gardens East lots   It’s excerpted below:

“I am moving forward with Pete Scherer in anticipation of his approval as the new owner if approved by the Bank.   We will meet with Community Development on shortfall issues and come to a recommendation for the Board’s consideration.  Thereafter, we will make this information public.  Pete and I will be meeting with the City separately.  Once the Board has made its recommendation and Pete has closed the lots, we can meet with the residents to explain what is going on and bring them up to speed. “  ...


“I have worked hard to bring a buyer to the community that will uphold the vision of VG and have worked for the benefit of the overall community.  Once this is complete, we can begin to move forward in a positive light to increase the image and marketing appeal of living in VG. “

- Homer Tompkins