
May 10, 2007

Quarterly Board Meeting Notes

Today, Victor Gardens Community Association's Board of Directors met for its Quarterly meeting. Among other topics, the Board discussed each question and concern that was submitted by homeowners. 

Thanks to Gina Higgins of Community Development and Dave Hempel of CPDC, as many questions were resolved before today’s meeting.  Some questions were resolved during the meeting; many more will require follow up in the weeks ahead. 

The following is a consolidated list of items discussed.  The topics are categorized into general areas of responsibility. Questions and concerns are listed first, then followed by a response or action required.  A timeline for completion is listed where it applies.  

Community Development, Inc. & V.G. Community Association items:

  1. 1.Victor Gardens Social Committee Chair appointment:  Julie Bixby has been appointed as the Committee’s Chair.  The Committee has already started planning upcoming events.

  2. 2.Main entrance center median & fountain appearance:  Washington County is partially responsible for the entrance repair, but the Master Association will pay to repair & restart the fountain in the following weeks.  Re-painting may also be required of the arbor/trellis structure in this location.  V.G. Garden Committee may work to beautify the area with plantings. The Garden Committee welcomes new volunteers to help.

  3. 3.Consider adding message boards to the major parks & community center:  Pending estimates/bids, the Board has tentatively agreed to test the idea.  One centralized message board will be installed at the Community Center. This is intended to help communicate with all residents, and announce upcoming Victor Gardens Events.

  4. 4.Assess damage fees to specific homeowners who do not comply with dog waste pickup rules:  As this situation has improved in recent weeks, the Board has decided not to take action against specific homeowners at this time.   The board asked that a future correspondence by Community Development include a reminder to all homeowners about Victor Gardens dog waste pickup policy and related City Ordinances.

  5. 5.Consider adding “Clean-up after your dog signs” to a few strategic common areas, especially around the Postal Station near Victor Hugo Blvd. & Cossette Way: As the situation is hopefully improving, the Board will delay action on this request.

  6. 6.Remind homeowners about leash laws and policies:  This situation is also improving.  No action by the Board will be taken at this time.

  7. 7.Planting of Annual Gardens:  The annual gardens will be planted the week of may 21st by new contractor, Sarah’s Cottage Creations.

  8. 8.Community Pool:  The pool is scheduled to be open Memorial Day weekend. 

  9. 9.Fountain at Jardin Circle needs to be cleaned out and started:  This will happen next week.

  10. 10.Small fountain at Poet’s Green:  This fountain has a small pump mechanism, but it does not have a built-in water supply.  At this point, the Association’s budget prevents the installation of a new water supply to the fountain.  If residents wish to have water in the small fountain, it must be carried by hand.  Please contact Mark for more details on this if you’d like to help with the fountain.

  11. 11.Tree splint:  Tree should be checked by landscaper to ensure tree is not growing into its temporary splint – across 4354 Victor Hugo Blvd. in Poet’s Green Park.

  12. 12.Re-hang volleyball net in Arbre Park:  This will be completed in the next few days.

  13. 13.Consider adding a lost & found box in Arbre Park:  There have been many items left in Arbre Park, creating a junky appearance.   The Board felt adding a lost & found box would not solve the problem.  The Board requests that people using the park should be careful not to leave clothing, shoes, toys, and other items behind.

  14. 14.Broken drinking fountain in Val Jean Park:  This will be repaired in the next few weeks. In the future, the City of Hugo will have responsibility for repairing the drinking fountain.

  15. 15.Tennis court windscreen:  This has been repaired.  In the future, the City of Hugo will have responsibility for repairing the tennis courts and the windscreen.

  16. 16.Consider adding a device to prevent wide opening of the tennis court’s doorway to physically prevent bicycles from entering:  The idea was rejected as it would create an Americans with Disabilities Act issue on the City-owned tennis court.

  17. 17.Damaged sod due to snowplowing:  The contractor has resolved this problem.

CPDC’s items:

  1. 18.Landscape Requirements must be enforced equally: The Requirements are the same for both builder’s spec homes and individually built homes.  There is no separate policy for individual builders, with one exception, Ryland Homes.  Ryland’s homes are packaged with landscaping, and their landscape budget policy has been previously approved by CPDC.  It is based upon an average price per home they build – not the 2.5% figure that applies to the rest of the Single Family Village.  The Landscape Requirements regarding grass, and the number & size of trees, shrubs, will be enforced for ALL single family home building, including Ryland Homes.

  2. 19.Landscaping & painting progress on recently built homes: Max Norton & Jack Broughton of CPDC is handling this on a case-by-case basis.  Jack has reported that most homes in question (there are eight) will be completed by a June 30 deadline.

  3. 20.Unsold lot appearance – tall grass & weeds:  Mowing is done when growth exceeds 8”. No weed spraying is planned.  Common areas are mowed by contract with a landscape company, and overseen by Community Development, Inc.  The same landscape company mows Vacant/Unsold lots, but the bill for mowing those specific parcels is paid by CPDC.

  4. 21.Consider standardizing or otherwise taming model home and builder’s banners, signs, flags, streamers, and gigantic tethered balloons:  This item will be addressed by Victor Gardens Architectural Review Committee.

  5. 22.Preserve the fenced garden North of the Community Center and Pool:  CPDC supports re-connecting irrigation in the existing garden to save and improve the plantings within the fenced garden area. 

  6. 23.Consider expanding the garden temporarily:  CPDC has suggested that after the former Land Office debris is removed and the site is filled and leveled the site may TEMPORARILY be used as a vegetable garden for interested residents.  The site will eventually contain town homes as market conditions change.  At that time, the proposed vegetable garden will be removed and redeveloped.

  7. 24.Remove unneeded silt fence & wire fencing:  Most of this became more apparent as new walking trails were opened.  CPDC will begin to remove the silt and the barbed wire fencing within the next few weeks.

  8. 25.Remove submerged silt fence in lake near Community Pool:  This will be completed in the next few days.

  9. 26.Remove debris/junk from the Northern side of the lake, East of the Community Center.  CPDC will determine the best way to remove these items.

  10. 27.Status of a new street connecting Garden Way and Val Jean Blvd.:  While this connection is planned for the future, the project has been postponed due to market conditions.

  11. 28.Wetlands area near Garden Way and Val Jean Blvd. eventual connection:  A small portion of high ground will be removed in this area to enlarge the wetlands.

  12. 29.Address the dead-end of the easternmost section of Garden Way:  Some fill may be brought in to level the area.  Neighbors are encouraged to plant the area to prevent further erosion.

  13. 30.New walking path/trail connection to points South:  A future trail connection is proposed, but CPDC does not own this property.  The new trail will end near the property boundary of Victor Gardens, although a small pedestrian bridge will be built across Clearwater Creek between the Single Family Village and Pratt’s new Villas.

  14. 31.Reoccurring damage caused by construction and garbage trucks on Garden Way:  A solution was offered to the homeowner to prevent further damage to landscaping and property.

  15. 32.Consider adding a “Victor Gardens” sign to southern entrance of V.G.:  CPDC’s plans for this area are complete.  The Master Association could address this matter, but budget constraints make it unlikely at this time.

  16. 33.Consider building a skateboard ramp: The request was denied, as a skateboard park would be a tremendous legal & financial liability for the Master Association and residents of Victor gardens.

  17. website update:  The Board agrees that the marketing site for V.G. needs to be updated. Leticia Holter, CPDC is responsible for making changes.  No date was set for its completion. 

  18. 35.Victor Gardens Community Intranet Site: The site could serve an important role in communication throughout V.G. Unfortunately, updating it is cumbersome, and rarely done. There was discussion, and a proposal by CPDC, turning control of this site over to the Master Association. No date was set for it’s updating in the meantime.

  19. 36.Replacement of Community Center tables: Awaiting response from Leticia Holter, CPDC.  Some cosmetic damage is apparent, but damage is not a severe structural problem.

Additional items that will be addressed at walk-through:

  1. A.Homes without landscaping

  2. B.Appearance of Victor Gardens main entrance.

  3. C. Appearance of unsold/vacant lots

  4. D.Incorrect land office signs

  5. E.Broken “lots available” signs

  6. F.Wrong placement of some “model homes” & “lots available signs”

  7. G.Missing lot identification signs

  8. H.Raking mulch needed near bleachers and playground equipment in Arbre Park.

  9. I.Repair edging near the playground in Arbre Park.

  10. J.Tree splinting.

  11. K.Fenced garden adjacent to former Land Office site.

  12. L.Check on possible sick/dying boulevard trees near Victor Hugo Blvd. & Cossette Way.

Mark’s items to discuss with the City of Hugo: 

  1. 37.Consider adding signs to tennis court prohibiting bikes, skates & scooters. These items damage to the tennis court’s surface.  Also consider adding “dogs prohibited” signs in the tennis court as dog waste has been found inside the fence and on the court itself. In the future, the City of Hugo will have responsibility for maintaining the tennis courts.

  2. 38.Consider adding drinking fountain to City-owned Arbre Park: CPDC has completed its plans for this Arbre and Val Jean Parks.  The item will be presented to the City for consideration.  Adding this amenity would likely cost the City around $2000. 

  3. 39.Consider adding safety related signs to strategic places within City-owned Arbre Park and Val Jean Park’s playgrounds.

  4. 40.The roadways of Victor Gardens Additions 1-4 are now the responsibility of the City of Hugo.  The roadways of Victor Gardens Additions 5-6 (East side) are currently the responsibility of CPDC.

  5. 41.Repair leaning stop sign at Garden Way and Arbre near Arbre Park. 

  6. 42.Consider adding “Children at Play” signs:  The Board discussed studies related to these kinds of signs in residential neighborhoods.  According to one study, Children at Play signs can actually create a false sense of security around roadways, and lead to a more dangerous situation for children.  

  7. 43.Consider adding “Teeter-totter” graphic sign in close proximity to playgrounds.

  8. 44.Consider adding “Speed Limit” signs on key roadways, especially on Garden Way & Victor Hugo Blvd.  

  9. 45.Additional asphalt onto V.G. streets:  Determine schedule with City on the final layer of blacktop on some of our streets.

Walk-through scheduled for Tuesday, May 15, 2:00pm

A problem solving tour of Victor Gardens has been confirmed for Tuesday, May 15.  The group will meet at Victor Gardens Community Center at 2:00pm.  The walk-through will progress through the Gables Association, and the Single Family Village.  Residents who wish to attend are welcomed.

Please email me ahead of time if you wish to attend or if there is a topic you’d like addressed on the walk-through. Please check the Quarterly Board Meeting Notes post to see if your item is already on the “agenda”.

Many of the concerns and questions of Single Family Village homeowners have already been addressed in detail at the Board Meeting.  I will work with Gina Higgins, Dave Hempel, Charles Kirk, and the City of Hugo to follow up on the progress of these items.  

Pool Opening Fiesta Announced for Sunday, June 3

Kick off the summer pool season with a festive party with your neighbors!  Victor Gardens Social Committee’s first event will take place on Sunday, June 3  ,  from 3:30pm - 6:30pm.

Please check the new Upcoming Events section for more details as they are announced.

Social Committee Begins Planning Events

The members of the Social Committee will be planning a calendar full of fun events.  All residents of Victor Gardens are invited to participate.  To get involved, you are welcomed to the next planning meeting taking place on May 15 from 7:00 - 10:00pm.

new section of this site, devoted to upcoming events, will soon list all of the events planned by the Victor Gardens Social Committee.

May 8, 2007

More Single Family Homes Planned

Spring construction season appears to be off to a busy start.  In addition to homes currently under construction on the East side of the Creek, four lots have been reserved in the current Single Family Village.  Three of the lots are in Victor Gardens 1st Addition and one in Victor Gardens East.

May 7, 2007

Quarterly Board Meeting Scheduled - May 10, 2007

This Thursday, May 10 the Board of Directors will be meeting.  If you are interested in speaking at the meeting, please let me know.  I’ll make sure that you are placed on the meeting’s agenda.  

I will follow-up on questions asked at the Annual Meeting, and address other issues received from neighbors since the Annual Meeting.

Maintenance Update

  1. Val Jean Park’s tennis court net has been installed.

  2. The tennis court’s windscreen and door latch are scheduled to be repaired soon.  

  3. The Victor Square fountain feature is scheduled to be operating by this Wednesday 5/9

  4. The fountain’s lighting will also be turned on by Wednesday 5/9.

  5. The fountain controls and some of the limestone surrounding Victor Square’s pond is scheduled to be straightened and repaired.

  6. Sinking and cracking concrete around the Victor Square’s gazebo is scheduled to be repaired.

  7. “Welcome to Hugo” sign visible from eastbound lane of Frenchman Road is scheduled to be repaired and lighted sometime this Spring.

This information was provided by our Community Manager, Gina Higgins, and Dave Hempel, CPDC.