
June 28, 2007

Progress on Tennis Court Windscreen Repair

Work has begun to reattach the windscreen on the Tennis Courts.  John Roerich completed reattaching the South side of the screen.  Other members of the Grounds Committee’s tennis court group will be continue the work in the days ahead.  Thanks!

June 27, 2007

Common Area & Parks Sprinklers

The following is a status report from Early Bird, our Association’s sprinkler contractor regarding the sprinklers in V.G.’s Common Areas.  It was told to Gina Higgins today June 27.  She forwarded the info to me:

  1. Jardin Fountain sprinklers:  On & working - also turned up the times to run more frequently

  2. Poet's Green sprinklers: On & working - also turned up the times to run more frequently

  3. Cossette Way mail kiosk sprinklers:  Not working properly - Contractor will check into a timer problem

  4. Clearwater Creek bridge & Victor Hugo Blvd. sprinklers:  no report (I think these are working)

  5. Neighborhood Activity Center sprinklers:  Partially working - there are issues from the land office being moved.

  6. Victor Square sprinklers:  On & working 

The City of Hugo has assumed responsibility of maintaining and repairing the sprinkler systems in Arbre and Val Jean Parks.  City Staff has been working with another irrigation contractor, Northway Irrigation, to repair a few broken main lines and replace damaged sprinkler heads.  For the most part, City-run systems are working properly now.

Volunteers on the Grounds Committee will be assisting in monitoring both the City and our Common Area sprinkler systems.  They will map the sprinkler zones, report problems, and in some cases do minor repairs when necessary.