
July 19, 2007

Neighbor’s Meeting Held at City Hall

A large number of Victor Gardens resident homeowners filled the room at a “Neighbor’s Meeting” last night at Hugo’s City Hall.  Many of our Community Association’s budget items were discussed.  The meeting ended with neighbors better understanding our current association’s budget challenges.  With that knowledge, many more questions arose and a smaller group of representatives was formed.  This group will work to address these topics with our Community Association’s management company, Community Development Inc., and Victor Garden’s Developer, CPDC.  

Thank you to all who asked questions at the meeting.  For those who were not able to attend, but would like to be involved in the smaller group, please email 

The small group of volunteers will be meeting soon to work towards solutions to our common challenges.

July 18, 2007

Townhomes, Gables & Villas Email Database List

Communication is important is an large association with so many residents.  A comprehensive email list is the quickest, most cost-effective way to communicate with homeowners. 

A complete email list of Single Family Village homeowners is already established.  Moving forward, we need to begin collecting email addresses for our Townhomes, Gables, and Villas association homeowners.

Townhomes residents are encouraged to send an email to a special account, which was set up to improve neighborhood communication.  Please send an email from the account that you wish to add to:   We’ll include your email address on future neighborhood communications from Charles Kirk and myself.

Single Family Village homeowners do not need to send an email to the above address.  If S.F. homeowners need to update email information, please send the changes to

UPDATE: August 1, 2007

The previously announced method of collecting Townhomes and Gables homeowners email addresses has been discontinued.  The  is no longer monitored.  Townhomes and Gables Associations are planning new email databases for residents.  An announcement will be made when updates are available.

New Classifieds Section Added

Due to a number of requests, a new “Classifieds” section has been added to our site.  Advertise baby-sitting services, recommend a great hobby, announce a garage sale, and give away your unwanted stuff - it’s all free. 

While it’s no comparison to our local Hugo paper, The Citizen, our classified ads are for Victor Gardens neighbors.  Please feel free to post items via the “Add a Comment” button at the bottom of the appropriate category.  If another category is needed, please email me:

Inappropriate postings will be removed.  So please... be nice.