
August 30, 2007

Board Meeting Set for Sept. 13, 1:00PM

The next Victor Gardens Community Association’s Quarterly Board Meeting is scheduled for September 13, at 1:00PM at V.G.’s Neighborhood Community Center.  

If any homeowner would like to be heard at the meeting, a public forum is provided.   

The meeting’s Agenda is currently being developed.  If there are any specific items that homeowners would like to be discussed in detail, please share your thoughts.  Residents can post a comment for discussion, or comment on other’s suggestions. I will request that these items be added to the formal Agenda.

Hartman Plans Several New Homes

A small number of undeveloped, single-family lots were recently listed.  The listings include designs for proposed homes that will be built by Hartman Homes - a well-regarded builder in Victor Gardens.   The homes all appear to be situated on Victor Hugo Blvd. & Garden Way and feature alley-loading garages.    Scroll down the page for more detail.

14357 Victor Hugo Boulevard N 

(on the corner of Cossette Ln. & Victor Hugo Blvd.)

Proposed as Hartman Homes’ “Arts & Crafts Rambler”

14339 Victor Hugo Boulevard N 

(near the corner of Cossette Ln. & Victor Hugo Blvd.)  Proposed as Hartman Homes’ “Italianate”.

14327 Victor Hugo Boulevard N 

(between Cossette & Val Jean Blvd.)  Proposed as Hartman Homes’ “American Farmhouse”

XXXXX Victor Hugo Boulevard N 

(presumably on the corner of Victor Hugo & Val Jean Blvd.) Proposed as Hartman Homes’ “Craftsman”

14296 Garden Way N 

(between Arbre Park & Poet’s Green)

Proposed as Hartman Homes’ “Bungalow.”

14282 Garden Way N 

(between Arbre Park & Poet’s Green) 

Proposed as Hartman Homes’ “Midwestern Farmhouse”

14274 Garden Way N 

(between Arbre Park & Poet’s Green) Proposed as Hartman Homes’ “Northern Craftsman”

August 27, 2007

Annual Chili Cook Off Announced - Sun. Sept 23

It's sad to see summer go, but with fall on the horizon that means one good thing...the annual Victor Gardens Chili contest!  

Please mark your calendars for  Sunday, September 23rd! 4:00p.m.  in Val Jean Park

To continue the tradition, we're seeking to crown a new neighbor for the best chili in Victor Gardens!  

Please RSVP to and let us know if you will be attending and if you will be entering your famous chili into the contest. 

This event is open to everyone regardless if you enter chili into the contest or not. Due to the lack of funding this year, it's going to be a real community effort to pull this off. If you're able, when you RSVP, please sign up to bring a topping or two (listed below) or a dessert to share if you're not going to be entering chili into the contest.  

Here are the toppings we're in need of: 

  1. 8 cups  Shredded Monterey jack

  2. 8 cups  Shredded cheddar

  3. 2 cans Sliced black olives

  4. 1 can sliced jalapeƱo peppers

  5. 3 -16 oz tubs of sour cream

  6. one large Red onion diced

  7. 6 avocados chopped into chunks

  8. 1 c. cilantro leaves chopped

  9. 5- limes sliced

  10. 3 large bags Tortilla Chips

  11. Corn Bread muffins

Also, please bring your own lawn chairs or blankets to sit on and something to drink.  More details will follow as the event gets closer (which neighbors are brave enough to enter the contest, who's judging, etc...).  

Please help this event to be a success and RSVP so we can plan appropriately!  Even if you don't enter your chili into the contest, we hope all can attend!

- The Social Committee

Pre-Movie Talent Show Added - Sept. 7 @ 7:00PM

A kids talent show has been added to the upcoming September 7 movie night. Many thanks to Angela Bodensteiner for the great idea and for heading this up. Angela has already recruited several kids that want to showcase their talents and it sounds like we still have space left for other kids to join in on the fun. The talent show is purely for fun as we won't be judging or having any prizes/contests. Root beer floats will also be served during the Talent Show.  

The talent show will start at 7:00 PM in Val Jean Park with a 'mini' dress rehearsal starting at 6P.

Anyone who is interested in learning more about the talent show or signing their kids up, please contact Angela Bodensteiner directly or phone at (651) 653-1623.