
September 19, 2007

Important Survey

A homeowner survey has been emailed to Single Family Village homeowners by Traci Tapani.  We are hoping you can take the time to complete the survey in the next few days.  A homeowner’s meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 25 with City of Hugo officials and CPDC will hopefully begin to remedy VG’s drainage situation.  

Concerned homeowners should try to attend this important meeting:

Sump Pump/ Water Drainage meeting

Attended by City of Hugo Officials, CPDC, Homeowners, (and possibly Rice Creek Watershed District)

Tuesday September 25, 9:00AM at 

Tony & Jody Schwab’s home

14262 Garden Way N.

Please complete and return the survey to Traci Tapani when it arrives in your email inbox.  Survey’s can be emailed to Traci or dropped at her home (14234 Garden Way N).



Victor Gardens Homeowner Survey –  Sump Pump and Water Issues


•Is there a sump pump in your home?


•If yes, where does it drain?


•Does your sump pump run during periods of dry weather or only when it rains?


•Does your sump pump run during the winter?


•How often does your sump pump run?


•Has your basement ever flooded?


•If yes, did the flooding occur because of a problem with your sump pump?


•If yes, did the flooding occur during a dry period or during a rain storm?


•Other information or comments.


•Name, address, and contact information for person completing the survey.

September 17, 2007

Sump Pumps & Drainage Problems - City of Hugo Meeting Set for Sept 25

A meeting to address drainage, sump pump, and rain garden problems is scheduled for Tuesday September 25, 9:00AM at Tony & Jody Schwab’s home, 14262 Garden Way N. (near Arbre Park).  City of Hugo’s Director of Public Works, Chris Petree, and other City officials have invited VG’s homeowners, and representatives of CPDC.  The Rice Creek Watershed District is also involved in finding solutions to this ongoing problem.  

A few of our neighbors have already been working with the City on this issue.  Traci Tapani has also volunteered to contact Single Family Homeowners via email about these problems.   She hopes to survey residents, and collect information to pass along to the City and the Watershed District.  We hope you’ll help in this effort and complete and return her survey when it arrives in your inbox.  Thanks!

Likely survey questions may be:

  1. (1)How frequently does your sump pump run?

  2. (2)Does your sump pump run in the winter?

  3. (3)Has your basement flooded?, etc.