
January 11, 2008

Board Advisory Group Requests City-Hosted Meeting

Following last night’s Board Advisory Group meeting, the following letter was sent to Bryan Bear, the City of Hugo’s Community Development Director. 


Bryan Bear

Community Development Director

City of Hugo

14669 Fitzgerald Ave, N.

Hugo MN  55038

Dear Bryan,

Our neighborhood's homeowner-led Board Advisory Group met last night to discuss some of what's been happening in Victor Gardens recently.  The meeting's participants resolved to request that the City of Hugo mediate issues between homeowners, builders, developers and our Board of Directors.

Homeowner representatives of Victor Gardens Board Advisory Group requests that The City of Hugo host a public meeting of Victor Gardens homeowners, Victor Gardens Board members, and other decision makers to discuss the future of our neighborhood.  The focus of this meeting should be working towards resolving Victor Gardens budget issues and ensuring high architectural standards in future building.  Although it is difficult for our Group to determine exactly who all those decision makers are, they certainly include:

  1. Homer Tompkins of CPDC

  2. Pete Scherer of POA-Scherer

  3. Len Pratt of POA-Scherer and Pratt Homes

  4. Rottland Homes/David Bernard Builders

  5. Ryland Homes

  6. The Beard Group

Other important meeting participants should include:

  1. Mayor Fran Miron

  2. Council Person Becky Petryk

  3. Community Development Director Bryan Bear

  4. Hugo's City Attorney

  5. Chuck Schneider of Community Development Inc. (VG's master association management company), 

  6. Homeowners and their representatives on the Board Advisory Group.

Homeowners, through their Board Advisory Group have determined two priorities that must be addressed at this meeting.  

  1. 1. Victor Gardens budget problems  

  2. 2. Ensuring high architectural and landscape standards in future Victor Gardens building.

It has been reported that The Beard Group (Victor Gardens newest proposed landowner), will be closing on 26 VG lots in the near future. It is important that homeowners are informed about Beard Group's intentions as soon as possible. A meeting will serve this purpose, in addition to addressing the two significant homeowner concerns stated previously.

We would appreciate your thoughts on this idea.  The Board Advisory Group felt that the City of Hugo's invitation would likely lead to a productive results for everyone involved.  Homeowners would be happy to offer more background information on these issues before the proposed meeting.  Members of the Group could make themselves available to discuss the situation with you.


Mark Vlker

Single Family Village Liaison to Victor Gardens' Board of Directors

Member of the Board Advisory Group

CC: Residents of Victor Gardens via open letter on website