
January 7, 2008

Questions of Victor Gardens Future

The Board Advisory Group recently asked questions of CPDC regarding the future development and the state of Victor Gardens Community Association (the master HOA).  With discussion of a new owner, “The Beard Group”, these questions are just as relevant now as they were before.  The Board Advisory Group is interested in finding answers to these questions.  Below you’ll find a outlined list.  Homeowners are encouraged to add to or discuss anything you see below by using the “Comment” features.

1)Questions about Victor Gardens East’s new owner “The Beard Group”

a)What other residential developments has the Beard Group been recently involved with?

b)Are there plans to build houses by individual builders or all one builder?

c)Who will control the VG Architectural Review Committee?

d)How does the new ownership affect the VGCA?

i)Does the new owner affect the makeup of the Board of Directors?

ii)Who will have controlling interest on the Board of Directors?

iii)What changes will be made with new ownership? 

iv)Who will control the VGCA budgets?

v)Will Community Development Inc. remain as community managers?

e)Does the new ownership affect the percentage of lots "sold" (in regards to homeowner control of the VGCA)?

f)How does the new owner view the original vision of VG’s “master plan”?

i)Will the new owner follow or modify this plan?

g)Will the new owner complete the construction of the developer’s unfinished projects? 

i)Permanent Postal Stations for residents on Grantaire Lane?

ii)Landscaping, irrigation, park structures, benches on Grantaire Lane’s cul-de-sac?

iii)Trail connection (over a bridge) between Grantaire Lane lots and Pratt’s Creekside Villa lots?

iv)Street connection of Garden Way & Val Jean Blvd. near wetlands/pond area.

h)Does the new owner have a marketing plan to sell lots and build appropriate homes?

i)Is there a budget for marketing?

(1)Sales Office/Brochure Boxes?

(2)Website update?

(3)Builder Signs?

(4)Lot ID signs?


2)Questions about CPDC's current involvement in Victor Gardens.

a)Does CPDC only own 14 unsold lots in the Single Family Village?

b)Does CPDC still own other properties within the overall VG site?

3)Questions about CPDC’s future involvement in Victor Gardens

a)Will the current financial health of CPDC affect VG in the near future?

i)Please address how financial status of CPDC’s other developments might affect VG. (Towne Lakes, Inspiration, Glendalough, Mayo Woodlands, Harmony Village, etc)

(1)Is VG in better or worse financial shape than those other developments?

(a)Example: Recent news reported foreclosures and Sheriff’s auction in Inspiration.  Is VG’s remaining 14 lots next?

(2)Are more defaulted CPDC loans in VG's future? 

b)Will CPDC still be represented on VGCA’s Board of Directors?

4)Questions for VGCA’s Board of Directors about the VG’s future

a)Homeowners are concerned about the current housing market’s effect on the future character and value of VG:

i)Who will control the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) in the next year?

ii)How will the ARC scrutinize new homebuilding and landscaping?

(1)Which architectural and landscape guidelines will be used going forward in the remainder of VG’s Single Family Village? 

(a)The “West of Clearwater Creek” standard?   -or-

(b)The “East of Clearwater Creek” standard? 

b)Homeowners are concerned about VGCA’s budget issues:

i)How will the Board prevent unpaid invoices causing vendors to stop servicing VG?

(1)Will the City turn off VGCA’s water?

(2)Will Early Bird stop mowing common areas? 

(3)Will the pool be cleaned, etc?

ii)What are the Board’s plans for paying off old debts?

(1)Negotiate with vendors?

(2)Payment Plans?

iii)How will the Board adjust the budget for next fiscal year?

(1)Increase income with “developer contributions” & financial help from builders?

(a)Does the Board intend to ask the new VG East owner to make “developer contributions”?

(b)Does the Board intend to ask Pratt, Ryland, David Bernard, etc. plan to make “developer contributions”?

(2)Will the Board have to cut amenities next year?


(b)Neighborhood Activity Center?

(c)Annual plantings / garden budget?





c)What is the status of townhomes not currently under a sub-association?

i)Will those units be consolidated into an existing sub-association or begin another sub-association?