
February 20, 2008

Master Association Turnover Moves Forward

As mentioned before in the VGCA Board Meeting Notes,  the turnover of the master association (the Victor Gardens Community Association) was discussed at the last Board meeting.  Dave Hempel has now confirmed that Homer Tompkins has approved the transfer of the VGCA to residents.  Members of the Board Advisory Group have been aware of this proposal, and are currently investigating the details.  Mr. Hempel’s email also confirmed that the Architectural Review Committee would still remain under the control of the developer, CPDC - POA-Sherer.  An excerpt of Mr. Hempel’s email:

“... follow up on the question of turnover of the Victor Gardens Master HOA to residents, Homer has approved of the transfership of Master HOA to the residents. Please prepare the appropriate paperwork to achieve this as well as schedule meeting.  The developer, (CPDC - POA-Scherer) however, would still retain ARC control in VG.”  - Dave Hempel