
March 24, 2008

Single Family Village Association Transition Meeting April 16, at 6PM

Residents of Victor Gardens Single Family Village Association should have already received notice of the upcoming Transition Meeting.  

Wednesday April, 16 at 6:00 PM

City of Hugo - Rice Lake Centre

6900 - 137th Street North  (click for Map)

According to the notice,

“The main purpose of this meeting will be to transition the Association from Developer control to Homeowner control and to elect directors to serve on the Board of Directors for the Association.”

With the proposed transition, homeowners have the opportunity to make positive changes in our community. There are five Board Positions available to Single Family Residents.   You may nominate yourself or another individual.  If you are nominating another individual, please verify their interest in serving on the Board of Directors prior to filling in their name on the ballot.

The master association’s Transition Meeting will follow at 7:00PM after the Single Family Village Association meeting is completed.

If you have not received your ballots or notices for this meeting, please contact Gina Lampe at (763)225-6438.