
April 7, 2008

Question About VG's Websites

On Apr 6, 2008, at 11:17 PM, (name removed) wrote:

Here all along I thought I had the correct website for information but I guess not.  Please remove the old Victor Garden website or else there are others who are also going to be having problems with this.  I signed on to the other site about 6 months ago.  I found a note attached to my door otherwise I would not have known it was different.

Thank you for your very good question.  The answer needs a little background explanation.  

Unfortunately the information on the site has been outdated for about two years now.  You might not have realized the posts are old because there is no year clearly attached to the postings.  If you read through them, most posts and other HOA documents are over a year old and no longer relevant.   From what I know, the only thing that the "Intranet" site is used for now is to publish the Neighborhood Activity Center's Calendar.

If you had been relying on information from the lightblast "Intranet Site" you would have missed a lot of news and announcements from the last year or more.  The Developer put that site in place in Victor Gardens' early years for marketing reasons and to inform residents at that time.  Unfortunately with budget cutbacks, no serious effort to update that site has happened in years.   A similar condition can be found in the outdated content of the marketing website for the neighborhood,  The "Intranet Site" is also expensive for the Master Association to host ($660.00).  For this and other reasons,  I believe in the next year, the old, original "Intranet" site may be taken down permanently.  

A year ago, after complaints from many residents I decided to do something to improve the situation.   I started a new website,   and have since regularly updated it with current neighborhood news, information, events and announcements.    Since then Jason Lanpher and Nikki Lanpher have been instrumental in continuing the effort to improve communications.  They've built a new resident-based email subscription list website.   Residents serving on a proposed new Master Board along with the various new Committee Chairs will use these lists to deliver their news and announcements right you your inbox.  Debra Bean and Matthew Collins, also part of our "Communications Group" volunteered to distribute the flyers you found at your door.  Our hope is through these efforts, residents will do a better job informing residents.  

I invite you to sign up, and register your email address with our resident-based .  Register for the lists that interest you.  You can also view current and past news articles and events notices published on our resident-based website:     To be clear, neither of these new sites rely on any Master Association funding. They're free for our residents.

Thanks again!
