
September 14, 2007

Sump Pumps, Drainage & Rain Garden Questions

Officials of the Rice Creek Watershed are looking into some of the water drainage problems that Victor Gardens homeowners have been dealing with.  John J. Waller, the 2nd Vice President on the board of the Rice Creek Watershed has also been speaking with a few neighbors in the Western most parts of the Single Family Village so far.  He said that homeowners have a “right” as landowners to have the water draining into the “drainage ditch” which is also known as Clear Water Creek.  Mr. Waller thought that plans should have been made long ago for how the water was going to get into the storm sewer.  He also mentioned that he has dealt with problems before where the design and construction of a development has caused drainage and water problems that didn’t exist before.


A few neighbors are specifically going to talk to Chris Petree, Hugo’s Director of Public Works about what may be done to get water to drain into the storm sewer. 


Several people have been considering installing rain gardens to correct their problems.  CPDC also supported the installation of rain gardens, and approved at least one installation.  It is prudent to wait to install any more rain gardens until more information is available from the City and Rice Creek Watershed.