
May 27, 2008

Neighbors Helping Neighbors (Donation Party)

Families of Victor Gardens, 
All of you are aware of the devastation which occurred to the homes of our neighbors to the north. Many of the families are temporally  living at the Country Inn Hotel in White Bear Lake. I cannot imagine how terribly disrupting this would be.  I keep thinking of how hard living in a hotel must be on the children. 
I am going to have a donation party  this Thursday evening @ 7 pm. If anyone is interested in donating, homemade baked goods, popcorn, movies, books, disposable cameras, games, phone cards or anything you can think of that would make a stay more comfortable and entertaining for the families living at the Country Inn. Please come on over and help us make care packages. I will have the garage set up with tables or if you just want to drop a donation off that's fine too.
We're also looking for baskets, buckets, fun boxes to transport the donations in.
Thank you, 
Hope to see you Thursday evening, come to the garage.
Erin Yoshida  
14256 Cosette Lane North  