
May 18, 2008

SFV Board to Consider Changes to Pet Policy

Victor Gardens' pet policies will be on the agenda for May 19th's Single Family Village Board Meeting.  SFV Residents will be welcome to share their opinions about the issue during the meeting's resident forum.  The SFV Board will be considering changes to its Village Rules,and will discuss recommendations to Master Board regarding its own pet policies. The City of Hugo recently changed its Animal Ordinance.  Some residents have expressed support of aligning VG's rules with the City's new ordinance in regards to "control" and "sanitation".  Some residents have expressed concern over the impact that new rules may have.  
Possible changes under consideration may be:  Changes to existing rules are bold/brown.
7.13.4  Pets shall be under control by leash at all times when walked or exercised on the Property. No person shall allow a dog to run at large at any time.  At Large means off the premises of the owner and not under the physical control by leash of the owner, a member of the owner's immediate family, or a person designated by the owner.
7.13.7  Any person who own, keeps or harbors any dog must remove all dog feces, on a daily basis from all enclosed dog runs or kennels, and must remove, on a daily basis, any accumulations of dog feces which are visible from any location outside the border of the person's property. Owners and Occupants shall be liable for the cost of repair of any damage to the Property, or any personal injury, caused by pets kept by them.  Pet owners are responsible for reimbursing other offended parties for damage to landscaping and/or buildings caused by their pet and/or services to repair, remove, or replace damaged property.
For more detailed information, including existing rules and ordinances, please download the PDF document that the SFV Board will consider on May 19.