
May 28, 2008

Victor Gardens Social Events Committee Sign-Up

We are looking for volunteers to help plan a few events for our neighborhood this year.    As many of you may have heard, Pratt Homes and Rottlund (David Bernard) Homes have generously donated a total of $500 for our neighborhood events this year.  This is great news as the events budget was cut completely from this year's Master Association budget due to the financial issues our neighborhood was having.  We are very appreciative of this donation and would like to put it to good use and plan a few events for all neighbors who wish to attend.  
If you are interested in being on this committee, please meet at Arbre Park on Wednesday, June 11th at 7P.  We are hoping that we can get representation from each sub-association on our committee so we can plan activities that interest the entire neighborhood.  At this meeting we'll discuss which events we'd like to plan for the year as well as elect a Chairperson of the Social Committee.  If you aren't able to make this meeting but are interested in being on the committee, please email me at and let me know.  
If it's raining or weather is crummy, we'll meet inside at the Activity Center.
Feel free to bring wine, an appetizer, a dessert or just yourself!  
Thanks--I look forward to June 11th!
Julie Bixby