
May 7, 2008

You're Invited to Join Our Victor Gardens for a Cure Team

Hello to Our Neighbors and Friends of Victor Gardens:

Whether it's a friend, a family member, or a nearby neighbor down the street, we all know someone who has been touched by cancer. Many of us are concerned about this disease and want to do something to make a difference. That's why we’ve decided to take part in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life®.

This year's White Bear Lake Area RFL will be held at the WBL South Campus from 7 PM July 25th through 7 AM July 26th. We would personally like to take this opportunity to have you join our neighborhood team, "Victor Gardens for a Cure".

At the event, we'll camp out overnight, walk around the track and interact with many interesting people. There is an incredible tribute to cancer survivors and caregivers that starts off the night and a moving ceremony honoring those who have fought the disease. I can truly say Relay is unlike anything else you'll ever do. It's a night full of fun, hope, and remembrance. For more information on the Relay, you can visit the link below to gain a better understanding of what it is all about.

Click here:

Over the course of the next several weeks, we’ll be following up to recruit additional members, help raise donations, collect silent auction donations and ask local businesses to help by sponsoring our team.  If you or anyone you know is interested in being part of this event, or would like to make a contribution, please contact one of us at your earliest convenience.  We look forward to discussing this with all of you in the future! 

Erin Yoshida

Melissa Klamerus