
June 30, 2008

Impromptu 4th of July Kids Parade and Neighborhood BBQ

Please join us if you're in town for an impromptu 4th of July Parade and Potluck BBQ in Val Jean Park (sorry to those in Arbre Park...I don't believe a grill is set up there yet). You are encouraged to dress up your bikes, strollers, wagons or whatever mode of transport brings you to the park...the more patriotic the better!  We'll have a mini parade for the kids to show off their 4th of July decorations starting at 4:30P this Friday to be followed by a BBQ and some fireworks.  Please bring your own food/beverages/supplies.  Families are also encouraged to bring a dish to pass/share with others. No need to RSVP.  We hope those of you that are in town are able to make it!  Any questions, please feel free to contact Rachel Berger at or Julie Bixby at If the weather looks like rain, please check this post on for updates.