
September 25, 2008

Lawn Care - Sprinkler Winterization Services

Thanks to Tony Schwab for coordinating aeration services for many homeowners.  Tony has also been coordinating with another lawncare professional, Shawn from Classic Lawnscape. Shawn is offering to perform seasonal blowing out and shut-down of resident's individual sprinkler systems.  In the past, Shawn worked with Tony quite a lot in planting perennials earlier this season, and has also worked alot in Victor Gardens on our community sprinkler systems.
Shawn's price for blowing-out sprinklers will be $50.00 per home.  He plans on performing the work around Oct. 20 - 25th.  
If you want this service performed, just follow these steps:
  1.  Get on the list by Oct. 18 - Call or email Tony Schwab (email  (651) 429-2000 (home) or (651) 497-1447 (cell) or  to sign up. 
  2. Leave a check at your front door, made out to Classic Lawnscape on your day of service.