
November 18, 2008

I-35E / Anoka County Hwy 14 Construction Project

Plans to tame the busy interchange of I-35E and Anoka County Hwy. 14, are now available online. (Frenchman Road, a.k.a. Washington County Hwy. 8 becomes Anoka Hwy. 14 and Centerville's Main St. as it travels West into Lino Lakes and across I-35E into Centerville). A new interchange will move traffic faster across the Interstate, and provide room for a future 200-car "Park & Ride"across from Bobby & Steve's.  
According to Anoka County, 
"The project will be constructed starting in the Spring of 2009.  Construction is expected to be 

finished by the end of 2010. 

The project includes many improvements.  Key components of the project include the following: 

Adding lanes on Main Street. 

Constructing a center median along Main Street to reduce intersection conflict points. 

Replace and lengthen freeway entrance and exit ramps. 

Construct three traffic signals. 

Adding turn-lanes at public street intersections with Main Street. "

More details are available on Anoka County's highway website:

Click here for area map (large download)

Click here for Project flyer (including details)