
December 28, 2008

SFV Board Vacancy - Requesting Candidates

As a result of Dan Sjoquist's resignation from the Single Family Village Board, and according to the Bylaws, the remaining Board Directors chose Mark Vlker as the new SFV representative to the Master Board.  The SFV Board also began the process of choosing another resident to fill the SFV Board vacancy.

Homeowners interested in serving on the Single Family Village Board are asked to submit a brief written statement for the current SFV Board to consider.  The Board will then discuss the candidates, and vote by secret ballot.

Please see below for candidate information including deadlines and related timeline:

  • December 29: Casey Groff, Victor Gardens’ Community Manager, begins accepting candidate statements.  These should include candidate’s qualifications, interests, and goals related to the Board position.
  • January 14:  Deadline for submitting candidate statements.
  • January 15:  Ms. Groff will provide the statements to the Board.
  • Week of Jan. 19: Board to discuss candidates.
  • Before Jan. 21:  Board members send secret vote to Ms. Groff.
  • Before Jan. 22: New Board Director will be announced.

Contact Casey Groff:

By email:

7100 Madison Avenue West,  Golden Valley, MN 55427

(763) 225-6400 Phone