May 16, 2008
Single Family Village - Board Meeting set for Monday, May 19
The next Victor Gardens Single Family Village Board of Directors meeting will be held Monday, May 19, 2008, 7:00PM at the Neighborhood Activity Center. Among other topics, the issue of recommending pet policy changes to the Master Association will be discussed. For a full agenda, please click here.
May 13, 2008
Master Board Meeting notes - May 12, 2008
The Victor Gardens Community Association (Master) Board of Directors met last night at City Hall. It was the first meeting since the Master Board transferred from POA-Scherer/CPDC. The new Board was able to get through a lot of business in the two hour meeting. Another Board Meeting has been scheduled for June 6, 2008 to take up the topic of "New Business". Please see notes below for the topics discussed. Official minutes will be available at a later date.
All Board Members attended, along with Chuck Schneider and Gina Lampe from Community Development, Inc. About 25 residents also attended the meeting.
1. The Board elected new officers:
Dan Sjoquist, President
LaVonne Fitzgerald, Vice President
Carmen Carter, Secretary
Michael Noonan, Member at Large
Len Pratt, Member at Large
2. Resident Forum:
The Board was given a list of issues that were compiled by Mike Bailey and Mark Vlker. The list should help the Board understand concerns of the residents. Many of the items were already known by the Board, and some were scheduled as new business items. These items will likely be addressed at Board Meetings in the near future.
Dawn Primeau asked the Board to address the unfinished developer projects near her home.
Julie Bixby asked the Board to consider a small amount for VG's Social Committee's events. After Mrs. Bixby's request, Michael Noonan, of Rottlund/David Bernard Homes, and Len Pratt of Pratt Homes offered donations of $500.00 each to be used for this year's Social Events budget. The funds will be controlled by the VGCA Master Association for that purpose. The Social Committee's new $1000.00 budget will go a long way in keeping the tradition community activities for all Victor Gardens residents. Residents appreciate this generous donation from Pratt Homes and Rottlund Homes/David Bernard Homes.
Residents also asked the Board to clarify the status of the Pool opening this year. Later in the meeting the board approved a Pool and Activity Maintenance contract. The Pool is expected to open Memorial Day weekend.
3. The Board was provided books of VGCA documents, including financials, rules, and other information.
4. The Board reviewed financial statements, discussed outstanding debts, and worked towards solving those problems. Chuck Schneider, of Community Development Inc. clarified the water bill situation.
5. The Board asked residents to form a Grounds Committee. This committee will establish maintenance contract specifications and report problems, in addition to other things. Residents interested in volunteering again this year for the Grounds Committee are encouraged to contact Mike Bailey and Mark Vlker.
6. The Board accepted a contract for a new Pool maintenance provider.
7. The Board discussed insurance.
8. Community Development Inc. resigned as Victor Gardens Community Association's management company. A search for a new management company is underway. Community Development Inc. agreed to stay on a few months, and promised to provide a smooth transition to a new company.
9. New Business was scheduled for the next Master Board Meeting, June 2, 2008. (Corrected) An agenda will be released then it is provided by the Board or our Community Development, Inc.
10. Meeting was adjourned
May 12, 2008
Master Board Meeting location changed
I have just been informed that the location for tonight's 6:00PM Master Board Meeting has changed. The new location is the Oneka Room at Hugo City Hall. This room will accommodate more residents who wish to attend.
The meeting is open, and all residents are welcome. A forum will be provided for homeowners wishing to bring their issues before the Master Board.