
July 14, 2008

Annual VG Garage Sale

A group of us are trying to get a neighborhood yard sale organized for all of Victor Gardens (townhomes and single family residents).  People are encouraged to have it in their own garages and we'll all chip in for advertising and sign costs.  Depending on the number of entrants, most likely the cost will only be $5/person.  Advertising will be done in The Citizen, White Bear Press and St. Paul Pioneer Press.  Here are the dates/times we'll be having the sale.  Please note you do not have to be open during all of these dates/times.  Several families are just going to be open on Saturday. Thursday, July 31st 7:30-1:30 Friday, August 1st  7:30-1:00 Saturday, August 2nd 7:30-3:00 Please email Julie Bixby at if you are interested in participating in this sale.  Folks that help pay for advertising and sign costs will be included in the map that is handed out to attendees of the sale so people know which houses are participating.  Rain or shine...we will be having the sale on these dates and during these times.  Let's hope for sunshine and a great turnout, though!

July 13, 2008

SFV Board Meeting Reminder July 14, 2008 @ 7:00PM

Victor Gardens Single Family Village Board of Directors will be meeting Monday, July 14, 2008, at Victor Gardens' Neighborhood Activity Center - 7:00PM.  The SFV Board will review and discuss recent Master Association Board decisions, and how they impact SFV residents.  Other important topics will also be on the Agenda.  A draft Agenda is available to view and download by clicking here.