November 25, 2008
Single Family Village - Board Meeting set for Tuesday, Dec. 16
A Single Family Village Board Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, December 16 at Hugo's Public Works Building - Rice Lake Centre (6900 137th St.) The last Board meeting's minutes are available on our SFV Association's web page, in addition to the tentative Dec. 16 Board meeting agenda, and recent financial statements.
Ice Skating
A resident has asked about ice skating rules related to the pond in Victor Square. I asked our Community Manager, Casey Groff and she responded, saying that skating is not allowed, as it is a safety concern. You can contact Casey with other questions you may have, at (763) 225-6498 or via email
Hartman Starts Construction of New Model Home
Hartman Homes has begun construction of a new single family model home west of the Val Jean Park tennis court. Hartman plans to complete the home in time for the Spring '09 Parade of Homes.