
May 28, 2009

New SFV Board Members Elected

Last night, Roger Donoghue and Ron Mehl were elected to the Victor Garden Single Family Village Homeowner's Association Board of Directors.  Julie Bixby was selected by the Board's members to represent our SFV on the Master Board along with our other representative, Mark Vlker.
Michael Warner chose not to run again, but deserves our thanks as he was an outspoken advocate for our neighborhood association.  Through his leadership on the SFV and Master Boards, Michael has helped us navigate through a complex transition from Victor Garden's developer, while always thinking about the needs of our residents.
Thanks Michael!
Here's the makeup of the new Board.  More info will be posted on our Association's page in the days ahead.
Victor Gardens Single Family Village
Homeowner's Association Board:  UPDATED 5/27/09
                John Roehrich, 
                Julie Bixby, 
                    Vice President 
                Roger Donoghue, 
                Mark Vlker,  
                    Secretary                 Ron Mehl, Neighborhood Development Partners, LLC., 
                     Member at Large
Victor Gardens Community Association (Master) Board Representatives:
                Julie Bixby 
                Mark Vlker