
May 26, 2009

SFV Annual Meeting Wed. May 27. - Reminder

Tomorrow night's meeting is very important.  All homeowners are asked to attend and participate. 
Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowners Association Annual Meeting & Elections are scheduled for:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009 6:00pm 

Rice Lake Centre

6900 137th Street N, Hugo, MN 55038 (map/directions)

Download and view the updated Agenda here.

The meeting will include:

- Elections (two positions)

- Groundwater Issue (options for homeowners & decisions taken by the Board. The possibility of a special assessment will be discussed also)

- Financial Reports (some welcome and good news)


Elections will be held for two Board Director seats.  If you are nominating another individual, please verify their interest in serving on the Board of Directors prior to filling in their name on the ballot.

Groundwater Issue:

The Board will explain what legal action the Association has taken so far.  A cost-sharing grant that has been approved by the Rice Creek Watershed District, and another possible cost-sharing option with the City of Hugo will be discussed.  The Board is especially interested in hearing homeowner opinons about the proposed plans.  All points of view are welcome.  The Board will take action on this subject at the end of the discussion.

Homeowner Forum & other topics:

A homeowner forum will be provided to share any concerns with the Board.  Homeowners can also ask questions about the Master Association's plans for improving Pool security and landscaping in many of the common areas.