
June 23, 2009

Pool Closed for Super-Chlorination - Bad Judgement Continues

The pool was closed today because of cloudy water conditions.  To fix the problem, the pool contractor used chemicals to "shock" or super-chlorinate the pool water.  These chemicals are very harsh. The pool was closed to protect residents.  Unfortunately, some ignored the sign, and swam anyway.
Also today... and on another note, swimmers are reminded AGAIN:  Do not open the gate for people who've "lost their keys".   A group of young people were reported to the Sheriff's Department today for climbing up on the wooden arbor and jumping into the pool. 
Frustration is building at many levels regarding the lack of common sense by residents for not speaking up when they see these problems, allowing trespassers entry, and ignoring signs.  The Master Board will discuss this situation, and how it affects the pool on Thursday's board meeting.
Residents who want to volunteer for the Pool Committee should contact Casey Groff