
July 11, 2009

Fraud Alert- Door to Door Scam

A number of trusted neighbors have contacted me about a CONFIRMED fraudulent scam.  A young caucasian woman in her 20's claiming to be the daughter of one of our neighbors, or someone who lives in the house on the other side of the neighborhood has been collecting cash and checks purported to be for a fundraising effort.  She's extremely convincing.  Please do not fall for this scam.  If you have already given her a check, I suggest you stop payment immediately.  The Washington County Sheriff has been contacted.

The young woman claims to be a student of College of Art & Design raising money for culinary school, a Food Network program, and a trip to Rome, and she's "selling" books for Gillete Children's Hospital, etc. etc. etc...
If you have already been victimized, you may to contact the Washington County Sheriff's non-emergency number at (651) 439-9381.  If she comes to your door, try to obtain as many identifying characteristics of the person (car license plate number, physical characteristics, etc.) as possible and call 911 for response by the Sheriff.