
October 29, 2009

Regularly Scheduled Master ARC Meetings Planned

In an effort to improve the Master Architectural Review Committee's process of reviewing new home plans and new landscape applications, a number of meetings have been scheduled. The meetings are scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month. Other additional Master ARC meetings may be scheduled as needed.
The next ARC meetings will be:
Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 6PM at the VG Neighborhood Activity Center
Tuesday, December 8th, 2009, 6PM in Sertino's Cafe meeting room.
Tuesday, January 12th, 2010, 6PM in Sertino's Cafe meeting room. Tuesday, February 9th, 2010, 6PM in Sertino's Cafe meeting room.
Sertino's Cafe doesn't have their 2010 calendar available yet. Julie Bixby work with them next month to schedule ARC's regular meetings further into 2010.