
December 11, 2009

Website & Calendar Improvements

Victor Gardens News has been updated and reformatted. Among the improvements, the new site can be expanded to accommodate wider screens, making reading the posts easier. Upcoming events and meetings are now posted within a much better Google-hosted Calendar of Events. Readers can view it in traditional calendar view, and in an "Upcoming Events at a Glance" list found on the right side of site's home page. Tech savvy residents can subscribe to new posts and import calendar events into Outlook, iCal, or other popular programs.
To make the information more searchable, many of the old site's pages have been reformatted into posts. Master and sub-association PDF documents, financials, minutes, ARC info, etc can be found by following the "Association Info" links on the home page's right side. Nearly three years of "old" content has been archived, and will be more searchable than ever before.
Inevitably, the upgrades will create some broken links. If you find any or notice any other problems, please report them. Suggestions for improvement are also welcomed.
As always, reader comments are encouraged in the posts. Many of the topics discussed in those comments have made their way into Board and ARC meetings. They have led to improvements at the pool, planting areas, parks and more.