
June 4, 2009

We Need Your Help with the Pool - New Pool Committee Announced

The Victor Gardens pool is now open.  We need your help to ensure your pool stays open, clean, safe and secure this summer. 
Over the last few years our Association has struggled with ways to improve the pool experience for our residents.  Last summer's pool season was marred by ongoing vandalism, parental indifference, and too many cases of residents looking the other way while even basic pool rules were being violated. 
Your dues go towards the daily maintenance budget of our pool.  Every day a contractor is required by State Law to test the water and conduct a safety inspection.  Unfortunately, on far too many occasions our pool contractor reported problems outside the scope of his budgeted contract. This included intentional damage to the bathroom facilities, dogs in the pool, human waste in and around the pool, and residents swimming while the pool was closed for potentially dangerous chemical "shock" treatments.  This season is unfortunately already off to a another rocky start with a few cases of vandalism and poor behavior.  If similar damage and expenses continue, the Association will be forced to levy a special assessment to each Homeowner that lives in the Victor Gardens Community to recover this expense, or close the pool for the season.
It's important to remember that this is your pool.  When you don't speak up when minors under the age of 14 enter the pool gate, or to the couple who's swimming with their dog, or a parent whose infant isn't wearing a swim-diaper, or when you open the gate for a group of people who've "forgotten" their key, you may be also turning a blind eye to the very people that cost you and your fellow residents more than $3000.00 in unnecessary repairs and damage last year.  Money that could have been better spent beautifying your common areas, supporting neighborhood events or reducing your dues.  Paying for damage caused by so few is not the way any of us wants to see our money spent.
This summer, we can turn this around.  One solution is very simple- and we need your help!  Residents must stop opening the door for people without keys.  It's the simplest, most effective way to protect the amenity that you pay for.  We all must speak up when we know that something isn't right, and when someone's not following the rules.
Residents who want to ensure that the pool stays open and safe this summer are encouraged to sign-up for our new Victor Gardens Pool Committee.  This new committee, ideally made up of a few residents from each of our sub-associations will work closely with the Board of Directors to implement common sense solutions.  We're looking for residents who value their pool, and those who may offer creative or more traditional approaches to solving its challenges.  
Please contact Casey Groff, ( - phone 763-225-6400) about your place on the Pool Committee!  If you don't want to join the committee we hope you'll follow the rules, and encourage others to do the same.

Victor Gardens Pool Rules

April 2006 (abridged)
The Victor Gardens Master Association (“Association”) seeks to promote a high quality of life and an enjoyable lifestyle complimented by recreation and interaction with fellow residents within the community.
This document, as written and amended, is intended to provide reasonable guidelines for use of Association-owned amenities with resident comfort, enjoyment, and safety as priorities. Resident involvement is paramount to the successful operation of the Association and the community of Victor Gardens. The “Commons” in this document refers to the common area owned by the Association which covers the Neighborhood Activity Center, parks and pool.
To take full advantage of your unique amenities, you are encouraged to become familiar with these Rules and Regulations, the Declaration of Victor Gardens as well as the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association.
The Association Board of Directors reserves the right to amend the Rules and Regulations at any time. Residents will be informed of any changes or additions. Please verify that you have the most current adopted Rules and Regulations.
A. ACCESS KEYS. Each household in the Association shall be given one access key to enter the pool deck.
1. If your key is lost or stolen a replacement key will be re-issued for a fee of $40.00.
2. Residents are not allowed to let guests use the key without accompanying them.
If a resident desires to reserve the Neighborhood Activity Center they will be given a temporary key for the date of their event. See attached “Reservation Agreement Form”.
B. SMOKING. All facilities are designated smoke free.
C. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. Consumption of alcoholic beverages in the Neighborhood Activity Center must be done with discretion. Alcoholic beverages are NOT allowed at the pool. Drunkenness is not condoned or allowed. Intoxicated individuals will be asked to leave the facility and immediate area. Repeat violation of this rule will be subject to permanent disbandment of the Commons. Absolutely no consumption will be allowed by minors; in the circumstance that there is underage drinking, the police will be contacted.
D. GUESTS. Aside from personal reservations, the Board’s intent is to make the facilities exclusively available to the residents of the Association. Residents must always accompany guests when at the pool. The number of guests allowed is limited to 4 per household for the pool. The pool areas are NOT available for private parties.
E. DELINQUENT FEES. If a resident is delinquent paying Association fees or charges they may lose their rights to use the commons areas.
F. AGES. To help in creating an environment that is safe and enjoyable by all, an adult must accompany children under the age of 14 when at the pool.
G. CONDUCT. All persons must conduct themselves in a civil and courteous manner at all times and must not jeopardize or interfere with the rights and privileges of others. Loud, profane, indecent or abusive language is prohibited. No person’s actions shall compromise the safety of another. All persons using the facility shall obey all safety rules and shall cease unsafe activity when directed to do so by the staff. The Association reserves the right to revoke anyone’s privileges to the Commons for exhibiting inappropriate conduct or unlawful offenses. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE ASSOCIATION OWNED AMENITIES ARE FOR THE USE AND ENJOYMENT OF ALL MEMBERS.
H. MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES. All members are responsible for themselves and their guests with regards to conduct and cleanliness at any of the Association-owned amenities. If a member or member’s guest uses inappropriate behavior, member privileges may be revoked. If a member or a member’s guest damages or does not properly clean an area they had used, the member will be responsible for all costs associated with repair/replacement/clean-up.
I. PETS. Pets are to be on leashes at all times. Dog walkers will be responsible for “cleaning up” after their pets. Pets (except for Assistance Animals) are not allowed in the pool area or the Neighborhood Activity Center.
1. The Neighborhood Activity Center hours are daily from 8:00 am–10:00 pm.
2. The pool hours are daily from 10:00 am–9:00 pm during pool season. The Board will determine what date the pool opens and closes.
K. KITCHEN. The kitchen is furnished with a refrigerator, dishwasher and microwave. Please observe the posted Guidelines regarding the use of the Kitchen and respect those areas in the kitchen so marked. Table confetti of any sort is not permitted in the facility. Balloons must be weighted and removed from the room when event is completed. Any loose balloons must be retrieved.
L. POOL BATHROOM FACILITIES. Personal showers are available for member use only in conjunction with the use of the pool or in a medical emergency.
M. PARKING. There is parking at the Neighborhood Activity Center. Overnight parking of vehicles is not permitted. The Association shall have the right to remove any such vehicle. No trailers, boats, buses, motor homes, campers, snowmobiles or any other types of recreational vehicles shall be parked in the Commons area. There shall be no vehicles “For Sale” parked in the Commons area. Any vehicle parked for more than 24 hours will be towed at the owner’s expense.
N. BICYCLE STORAGE. A bicycle rack is provided at the pool. The Association is not responsible for the security or theft of bicycles. Residents are required to provide their own lock. Management will remove any bicycles that are secured for more than 24 hours. Securing bicycles to fences or light posts is NOT permitted. Bicycles are not permitted in the Neighborhood Activity Center and within the pool area.
The Association reserves the right to revoke a resident’s facility reservation privileges for not following the established Rules or Reservation Guidelines.
III. POOL RULES - The rules were most recently updated 7/21/10 (Click here)