
August 1, 2009

National Night Out Was a Big Hit!

Thanks very much to Jody Schwab, Julie Bixby, the Victor Gardens Social Events Committee and all residents who attended National Night Out in Victor Gardens. Special thanks also to the Hugo Fire Department, the Washington County Sheriff's Deputies, and local businesses for their participation and entertainment.
The coveted apron and chili laurels for Victor Gardens 2009 Chili Championship, judged by the Sheriff's Deputies and Firefighters, went to Vickie Hagen. The kids decorated their bikes and triciles, and everyone had a great time. The event saw record-setting attendance by residents from all corners of Victor Gardens.
Thanks also to the residents who donated, collected, and delievered all the donations to the Hugo Good Neighbor Food Shelf!

July 30, 2009

Groundwater Issue - Next Meeting Scheduled for Saturday, August 8, 9AM

Tony Schwab has called the next meeting of those homeowners interested in pursuing solutions of groundwater issues. The group will continue working towards a plan to present to the City of Hugo and the Rice Creek Watershed District. The meeting will be held on Saturday morning, August 8th at 9:00am. The meeting's location will at the ball-field bleacher seats in Arbre Park across Tony's home, near Garden Way and Arbre. Tony can be contacted by phone at (651) 429-2000