Colfax has installed a sign on the corner of Victor Hugo Blvd. and Garden Way, near the Val Jean Park's tennis courts. The home pictured on the sign has not been submitted for Master ARC review. Any new home in Victor Gardens will need to be reviewed by the ARC. The hope is that the sign will provide contact information for potential buyers, and open the door towards new construction in the SFV.
December 18, 2009
Potential SFV Builder - Colfax Companies
Last night at the Victor Gardens Single Family Village Board Meeting, Ron Mehl explained that his company, Neighborhood Development Partners, LLC is working cooperatively with a few builders to renew interest in the SFV's remaining lots. Colfax Companies is one of those builders.
December 16, 2009
VG Holiday Open House...Please Donate to the Hugo Foodshelves!
Below is a list of currents needs for the 2 Food Shelves in Hugo that serve our city residents in need. Even if you can't attend the party tonight, please at least stop by and drop off a donation.
pancake mix
pancake syrup
BBQ sauce
salad dressings
cake mixes
cake frosting
Toilet Paper
Paper towels
all canned soup (except tomato)
laundry soap
dish soap
canned fruit
December 15, 2009
Reminder: 'Eat, Drink and Be Merry!' on Wednesday, 12/16
Take a few minutes from your busy holiday schedules and toast your neighbors and friends up at Sertino's on Wednesday, December 16th from 5:30-8:00 PM.
Stop by for a few minutes and enjoy holiday crafts for the kids as well as hot chocolate and XMAS cookies. We will also have wine available to the adults (please note we have a limited budget so once the provided wine runs out, people will need to pay for any additional glasses...sorry!)
Let's also make this event about our other Hugo neighbors. Please plan to bring donations for both Hugo foodshelves. Please check back on later this week for a list of current food shelf needs!
Hope to see you there!!
Any questions, please email Julie Bixby @