
April 9, 2010

Big Changes Ahead- Pool Security to be Upgraded with New Key Card Access

Progress continues with security and maintenance upgrades at Victor Gardens Neighborhood Activity Center & Pool. Last year, the work began with landscaping rejuvenation, Pool Committee volunteers, installation of security cameras and recording devices, and replacement of the pool's aging heater.
Last night, the Board of Directors approved a new plan to upgrade locks and modify access to Victor Gardens' pool. The use of the existing fenced gate will be discontinued and the pool will be accessed only through the Neighborhood Activity Center's doorways. The existing, traditional-type, locks will be replaced with an electronic key/card lock system. Existing metal keys will not work with the new system. All owners will be mailed a uniquely identifiable key card which may be remotely activated (or deactivated) by our Community Manager. Access through the new electronic locks will also be logged by computer and accessible by our Community Manager. Although the details are not yet worked out at this time, the Board will likely direct our Community Manager to deactivate owner's cards whose dues accounts are delinquent or based upon rules violations.
For the great majority of owners, this new system should represent a positive change for our community. On the other hand, these security upgrades will serve as a deterrent for non-residents, vandals, and our own residents who allow access to those they shouldn't. Sophisticated cameras, recording systems, and electronic key cards will help the Board, our Community Manager, and the Washington County Sheriff identify persons if the need arises.
Plans are also underway for repairs in the Activity Center's bathrooms. It's unclear as of now if all the upgrades will be implemented prior to the pool's expected opening on Memorial Day weekend. More details will be announced as they become available.