
June 15, 2010

Lots Overgrown With Weeds

I've seen a number of questions recently again about mowing unbuilt lots. Many exceed the 1o" growth allowed by the City. This is an issue between the land owner and the City of Hugo. The Code Compliance Officer at Hugo City Hall can be reached at 651-762-6300.
According to the City of Hugo's code section 46-2-8:

Noxious weeds and tall grass.


It shall be unlawful and prohibited for any owner, tenant, or occupant of land in the city to permit or maintain noxious weeds or other rank growth, as prohibited by state statutes;


It shall be unlawful for any owner, tenant, or occupant of land in the city to allow or permit any growth of weeds, grass, brush, or other rank vegetation to a height greater than ten inches, or any accumulation of dead weeds, grass, or brush on such land;


It shall be unlawful for any owner, tenant, or occupant of land in the city to allow or permit the growth of vegetation to a height greater than ten inches or noxious weeds on any land between the property lines of the parcel and the pavement edge of any public roadway;


Tall vegetation along driveways and public roads that may impair visibility when entering or exiting public roads is prohibited;


If the provisions of this subsection are not complied with, the code enforcement officer will mail a certified written notice, return receipt requested, to the owner, tenant, or occupant of the land requiring such person to comply with the provisions of this section. If the owner's address is unknown, the city clerk will publish a notice in the city's official newspaper. The notice and publication shall include the property address or description of the property and a description of the violation. The violation shall be abated by the owner within seven days of the mailing or publication of notice. If there is failure to comply with the violations outlined by this subsection, the city will abate the nuisance and assess the cost to the owner. The owner shall pay the assessment within 30 days or the assessment will be applied to the owner's property tax statement;


Subsections (8)b and (8)c of this section shall not apply to:


Natural areas, including, but not limited to, wetlands, prairie grass or wildflower restoration, public open spaces, stormwater ponds, wooded areas, rain gardens, bogs, or marshes;


Land used for agriculture;


Landscaped areas, as shown on an approved landscape plan;


All property that is zoned rural residential, agricultural, long-term agricultural, and future urban service;


All property that is not platted or developed. For the purpose of this subsection, the term "developed" means that the property has been improved with the construction of buildings, parking lots, or other facilities, excluding utilities or sewer or water lines;


Any property that is undeveloped and platted greater than five acres;