
July 22, 2010

Help Needed for National Night Out, Aug. 3

Events Committee volunteers Erin Yoshida and Jody Schwab asked me to pass this along to everyone in the neighborhood. - Mark
We are looking for some help with the National Night Out Party in Arbre Park, Tuesday Aug 3.
Here is what we need....
  • 2 homes on Arbre park to donate electricity for the bounce houses.
  • 1 adult to line up the Bike Parade @ 5:45 & start the parade @ 6:00. Time commitment 15 min
  • 2 adults to work the ice cream buffet @ 6:00-7:00ish. Time commitment 1+ hour
  • 4 adults to over see a Bounce house 2 adults per hour. Time commitment 1 hour per shift.
  • We will have lemon-aid / water station set up for the night till the band is done playing. If people want to take turns doing this that will be a big help. Time commitment 20-30 min shifts.

Please let me know if you can help. Contact Erin by phone (651) 653-1438 or via email

We have a committee of two, so any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Erin Yoshida & Jody Schwab (the committee of two :)

A formal invite and party agenda will be sent out early next week.