
September 22, 2010

Save the Date...Fall Fun Night in Arbre Park on 10/30!

Invitation is coming shortly but please save the date for Saturday, October 30th. We will be having a fall fun night in Arbre Park starting at 5:30PM. Annual chili cook off and kids versus adults kickball game. Come for delicious chili, food and fun!
We are looking to award the annual chili apron (thanks again Squeaky Connors) and necklace to the champ this year. Residents in attendance will be the judges this year. Please make sure to bring your chili in a crockpot and bring a serving utensil for it. Please email Julie Bixby if you plan to bring chili. The events group will provide all the fixings (cheese, onions, sour cream, etc...). We'll also have popcorn, ice cream, lemonade, etc... for the non-chili eaters.
We'd also love it if a few people could volunteer to bring corn bread muffins to complement the chili. Please email Julie ( if you would be willing to bring a dozen or so muffins to the event.
Kids are welcome to wear their Halloween costumes if they'd like. Adults too, for that matter.
Kick ball game will start at 6P.
Please check this site the day of the event in case of bad weather. If weather is an issue the rain date will be the following Saturday, November 6th.
Hope to see you all there!! If you have questions, please email Julie.
As a side note, the Events group is planning an adults-only evening/outing for some time in February. More details will be available in the coming months on that event.