
January 8, 2010

New Landscape Committee Formed - Please Volunteer

The Master Board chartered a new Landscape Committee at its quarterly meeting last night. The Board asks for one resident volunteer from each of Victor Gardens' sub-associations (two from the Single Family Village) to serve on this committee. Volunteers will help our Community Manager, Casey Groff oversee the health of Victor Gardens' plants, shrubs and trees, help oversee our snow-removal and landscape contractors, and serve as Community Manager's "eyes and ears". Committee members will not necessarily be responsible for hands-on planting, weeding, etc. Those tasks will be reserved for contractors hired by the association. The Board hopes that the new Landscape Committee will work cooperatively with our Community Manager and Board to help maintain the beauty of our neighborhood, and offer recommendations for its improvement.

Please pitch in and help! Volunteers are asked to sign-up with our Community Manager, Casey Groff (phone# 763-225-6498, email Please see the sign-up sheet for more info.

The following is text from the Landscape Committee Charter. It offers a more detailed explanation of the role of the committee and its volunteers:

Purpose of the Victor Gardens Community Association Landscape Committee:

The Landscape Committee has three main purposes:
  1. To oversee the health and well being of the landscaping and irrigation within Victor Gardens Community Association common areas and to submit written recommendations to the Board of Directors as to how to improve these areas.
  2. To form a relationship with the landscape contractor for the purpose of developing a long-term partnership, enhancing the quality of work performed, and enhancing the appearance of Victor Gardens Community Association. (It is important to understand that the day-to-day supervision and direction to the landscape contractor should be avoided and be channeled through the management company for consistency.)
  3. To represent Victor Gardens Community Association to any Washington County, or other local or federal agency as it relates to the Victor Gardens Community Association Landscape Plan and to report to the Board of Directors any concerns.

Responsibilities and Authority of the Victor Gardens Community Association Landscape Committee:

  1. Present to the Board of Directors for approval the committees recommendations for proposal and contract guidelines for the Victor Gardens Community Association landscape contract.
  2. Conduct monthly inspections of the Common Areas within Victor Gardens Community Association to make sure that they are in compliance with the Governing Documents, the Bailey’s Arbor Landscape Plan, and any County or Federal Regulations that the Association is responsible to uphold.
  3. Submit to the Community Manager on a monthly basis a list of areas that are not maintained, per the scope of work in the Landscape & Irrigation Contract within Victor Gardens Community Association.
  4. Conduct follow up inspections of said Common Areas to ensure contracted work has been completed, per the scope of work.
  5. Create requests for proposals and analysis for the Board of Directors for projects related to landscaping and Irrigation.

Organization of the Victor Gardens Community Association Landscape Committee:

The Landscape Committee shall consist of six members, two members representing Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowners Association, one representing Villas at Victor Gardens Condominium Association, one representing Gables at Victor Gardens, one representing North Village at Victor Gardens and one representing South Village at Victor Gardens.

The committee members shall be appointed by the Board of Directors of Victor Gardens Community Association and reviewed on an annual basis.

The terms of office for each committee member shall be varying terms from 1 through 3 years, unless otherwise removed by the Board of Directors.

The committee also has the authority to remove its own members with a vote of the majority of the committee.

The members of the committee shall appoint both the Chair and the Secretary of the committee.

The committee shall have a Board liaison, appointed by the Board of Directors that serves on the committee in addition to the committee members.

The Board liaison is a non-voting member of the committee.

People interested in serving on the Landscape Committee should complete and return a Committee Volunteer/Application Form to the Community Manager for consideration by the Board of Directors.

Operations of the Victor Gardens Community Association Landscape Committee:

The Landscape Committee shall meet monthly during the peak season (April through October) and every other month during the non-peak season.

The committee shall keep informal minutes of those meetings (one page or less). These minutes shall be approved by the committee, and forwarded to the Community Manager for record keeping, and the Board Liaison for reporting purposes.

The Landscape Committee is authorized to spend up to $25.00 per month for incidental supplies, etc. without additional approval from the Board of Directors.

January 7, 2010

City of Hugo Code Related Complaints

At the January 7 Master Board Meeting, the Board heard complaints that had been emailed and posted to the website. Board member consensus was that these complaints should be taken through channels at City Hall. These complaints were:
  1. Blue Heron Grill noise.
  2. Fairview Clinic using Victor Square spaces for employee parking.
  3. Enforcement of Hugo's sign ordinance
Although reluctant to take action on behalf of residents, some Board members offered suggestions to concerned residents including:
  1. Researching the City's noise code. Understand what is allowed and what is not.
  2. Research whether restaurants are allowed outdoor loudspeakers.
  3. Research specifics of the new Sign Code enforcement and how it affects areas of concern.
  4. Research whether public parking regulations could be reviewed for the Victor Square area.
Once armed with appropriate information, residents should address their concerns with the City. Hugo's City Council usually offers residents the opportunity to speak directly to the Hugo City Council at each of the Council's meetings. Concerns could also be brought to the attention of appropriate City staffers, your Council Person, or your Mayor.
A searchable database of the City's Code and contact information for City Staff, Council Members, and the Mayor are available on the City of Hugo's website.
Author's note: Concerned residents may want to address these issues collectively. I encourage the use of this post's comments feature to allow such cooperation. This website reaches a large neighborhood readership and it offers a means of communication with each other. If you're interested in working with others, please leave a (non-anonymous) comment here. Anonymous comments are usually OK, but not in this case. In your comments, include the issue that concerns you and a method others can contact you. Unproductive, inappropriate, or anonymous comments attached to this post will be deleted. Again, if you're concerned about these issues, posting here is one way of connecting with other like minded residents.

Master Board Elects New Officers

At the January 7 Master Board Meeting, new officers were elected. They are:
LaVonne Fitzgerald, President
Len Pratt, Vice President
Julie Bixby, Secretary
Todd Stutz, Treasurer
Jason Lanpher, Member at Large
Mark Vlker, Member at Large

January 3, 2010

Reminder: Victor Gardens Master Association Board Meeting Jan. 7, 6PM at Hugo City Hall

The Master Board is meeting on Thursday, January 7, 2010 at the Hugo City Hall. The meeting starts at 6:00pm. The agenda is available here. Residents are encouraged to attend, and address the Board with any concerns during the meetings Resident Forum.