
April 30, 2010

Local Support

I'm sure many of you heard the tragic news of this family a few months ago. The woman organizing this event emailed me and asked that I post this on our VG website in hopes to gain support from more Hugo residents. (Click on the image to enlarge)

April 29, 2010

VG Social Committee Kick Off Meeting--Sertino's

Looks like rain, so let's plan to meet at Sertino's at the front of the neighborhood tonight for the VG Social Committee Kick off Meeting. 7P.
Thanks...hope to see you there!

April 28, 2010

Thanks Casey!

Over the last few years, Casey Groff of Community Development Inc. has been Victor Gardens' Community Manager. She's been instrumental in smoothing the transition from our neighborhood's former developer to majority homeowner control.
Casey's helped in numerous ways: sorting out the financial mess left by CPDC, coordinating repairs and insurance claims after the tornado, holding contractors to high standards, and working closely with our residents to solve problems and efficiently manage the Association.
As of May 1, 2010 Casey will be moving forward within Community Development Inc. She will no longer serve as Victor Gardens Community Manager. We thank her for all of her dedication and hard work. We wish Casey all the best in the future!

Kari Miller Named Community Manager

Beginning May 1, 2010, Kari Miller will begin serving as Community Manager for Victor Gardens Community (Master) Association and Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowners Association. She will be taking over for Casey Groff, also of Community Development Inc. who previously held the position. Welcome Kari!
Kari's contact information:
Kari Miller
Community Manager
Community Development, Inc. 7100 Madison Avenue West Golden Valley, MN 55427