July 1, 2010
New Picnic Tables for Provence and Flora Green
Residents near Flora Way and Provence Way are enjoying two new picnic tables purchased by the Master Association. The new tables match others found in Arbre, Val Jean, and Victor Square Parks. They're sheltered in the gazebo structures in the areas known as Provence Green and Flora Green.
June 30, 2010
Theft from Vehicle Prompts Stepped-Up Sheriff Patrols
This afternoon, one of our neighbors in the Single Family Village sent me an email sharing some bad news:
"Last night our garage door remote was taken from our Jeep, along with some change. There was no sign of forced entry—we assume we forgot to lockup. We have filed a report with the sheriff and we have changed our garage opener frequency. We wanted to let others know so as to avoid repeats and to put neighbors on the alert that we have some opportunists in the area this holiday weekend. Great reason to put vehicles in garages----- Hopefully no others experienced this last night!"
She later wrote, " In addition, we had a suspicious drive by about an hour ago. A car of younger people blew past the stop sign at Cosette Way as they quickly sped away. (??) We did not catch a license plate, unfortunately, but the sheriff’s dept says they will increase patrol in our neighbor this weekend."
We've heard of similar problems in other parts of Victor Gardens in recent months. Considering the long weekend ahead, we should all make sure our doors and vehicles are locked.